After Sayyiduna 'Uthman (radi Allahu anhu) passed away, Sayyiduna Ali (radi Allahu anhu) was elected as the fourth Caliph by the Muslims. During the period of the first three Caliphs, Madinatul Munawwarah continued to be the capital of the Muslim world, but Sayyiduna Ali (radi Allahu anhu) transferred the Islamic capital to Kufah in Iraq.

Sayyiduna Ali (radi Allahu anhu) was the son of Abu Taalib, an uncle of Sayyiduna Rasulullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). Sayyiduna Ali (radi Allahu anhu) was married to Sayyadah Bibi Fathima (radi Allahu anha), the daughter of Sayyiduna Rasulullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). They had 3 sons, Sayyiduna Hassan, Sayyiduna Hussain and Sayyiduna Mohsin (radi Allahu anhumul ajma'in).

Sayyiduna Ali (radi Allahu anhu) took part in the battle of Badr, Khandaq and Khaibar. At Khaibar, it was Sayyiduna Ali (radi Allahu anhu) who subdued the Jews with his furious assault. He also held many important positions during the time of Sayyiduna Rasulullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) and the first 3 Caliphs before him.
He had a love for learning and was a great and learned person himself. He had been given the title of "Baabul I'lm"or "Gate of Learning" by Sayyiduna Rasulullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). He was also called "Asaadullah" or "Lion of Allah."

The situation in Madinatul Munawwarah after the murder (Shahaadah) of Sayyiduna 'Uthman (radi Allahu anhu) was serious. Sayyiduna Ali (radi Allahu anhu's) first task was to rid Madinatul Munawwarah of the rebels and to return the situation to normal.

Sayyiduna Ali (radi Allahu anhu) was able to force the rebels to withdraw from Madinatul Munawwarah and to establish peace and order in the city. The powerful governor of Syria, Sayyiduna Mu'awiyah (radi Allahu anhu), challenged Sayyiduna Ali (radi Allahu anhu) and refused to pay homage to him. Sayyiduna Mu'awiyah (radi Allahu anhu) insisted that Sayyiduna Ali (radi Allahu anhu) arrest the murderers of Sayyiduna 'Uthman (radi Allahu anhu) and hand them over to him.
Sayyiduna Ali (radi Allahu anhu) was a man with a deep sense of justice and did not want to accuse the wrong people. He needed a peaceful period to trace the culprits. But, Sayyiduna Mu'awiyah (radi Allahu anhu) began accusing him of protecting the murderers, and in this way the old enmity between the two families were revived.

Unlike most of Sayyiduna 'Uthman (radi Allahu anhu's) governors, Sayyiduna Muaawiyah (radi Allahu anhu) displayed great administrative ability and was very popular. He was a God-fearing man and especially known for his mercy. Sayyiduna Ali (radi Allahu anhu) was very strict in piety and straight forward. Sayyiduna Muaawiyah (radi Allahu anhu) declared his disobedience to him, because he felt that he was better qualified to lead the Muslim world.

Another serious development took place. Sayyadah Aishah (radi Allahu anha) and two leading Sahaba, Sayyiduna Talha and Sayyiduna Zubair (radi Allahu anhuma) declared their opposition to the Khilaafat of Sayyiduna Ali (radi Allahu anhu). They left Madinatul Munawwarah for Makkatul Mukarramah and from there travelled to Basrah where they rallied men and new supporters.

Sayyiduna Ali (radi Allahu anhu) had to crush all opposition. A bloody battle took place near Basrah on the 9th of December 656 A.C. This battle was sparked off by a third force who were the real troublemakers. Just before the battle, both parties had already reached an agreement to settle the dispute. But this third force, the real assassinators of Sayyiduna 'Uthman (radi Allahu anhu), launched an overnight attack on both camps simultaneously. Each side were under the impression that the other had attacked. The battle began. Several thousand men were lost including the two Sahaba. Sayyadah Aishah (radi Allahu anha) was safe. She was riding a camel during the battle-hence the name "Battle of the Camel." Sayyiduna Ali (radi Allahu anhu) treated her in a most noble and dignified manner and respectfully sent her back to Madinatul Munawwarah. She praised him and deeply regretted opposing Sayyiduna Ali (radi Allahu anhu). Kufa was now made the capital of the Islamic world.

Sayyiduna Muaawiyah (radi Allahu anhu) rallied an army to face Sayyiduna Ali (radi Allahu anhu). A battle took place at Siffin on the Syrian border in the July of 567 A.C. Sayyiduna Muaawiyah (radi Allahu anhu) was no match for Sayyiduna Ali (radi Allahu anhu) and began to retreat. By the clever proposal of Sayyiduna Amr bin Al As (radi Allahu anhu), the retreating army raised pieces of the Holy Quran on their spears demanding judgement between the two parties. Many pious Muslims on the side of Sayyiduna Ali (radi Allahu anhu) refused to fight seeing the Holy Quran displayed in the air.

Two men, one from each side, were appointed to settle the dispute. Sayyiduna Abu Musa (radi Allahu anhu), a pious Sahaba from Sayyiduna Ali (radi Allahu anhu's) side, and the skilled Sayyiduna Amr (radi Allahu anhu) from Sayyiduna Muaawiyah (radi Allahu anhu's) side. Sayyiduna Musa (radi Allahu anhu) declared in front of the Muslims that it was decided to recommend the removal of both Sayyiduna Ali and Sayyiduna Muaawiyah (radi Allahu anhuma) and that the Muslims should select another man for the Khilaafat. Sayyiduna Amr (radi Allahu anhu) replied that: "He has declared the removal of his leader, while I would conform Muaawiyah as the Caliph." Chaos followed.

Sayyiduna Ali (radi Allahu anhu) prepared to meet Sayyiduna Muaawiyah (radi Allahu anhu) again in battle, but he was moved from his task by a serious conflict that occurred among his men. Some narrow-minded people accused Sayyiduna Ali (radi Allahu anhu) of accepting a man-made judgement. Their slogan was: "There is no judgment but with Allah." They declared that Sayyiduna Ali, Sayyiduna Muaawiyah and Sayyiduna 'Uthman (radi Allahu anhumul ajma'in) were unbelievers and that Jihad should be declared against them. Ever since this event, they have been known as the "Khaarijees", which means, "those who left the fold." They maintained that the Khilaafat should be given to the most eligible Muslim, regardless of his origin. The Kharijees are not regarded as Muslims.

On the 17th of July 659 A.C., Sayyiduna Ali (radi Allahu anhu) overcame the Khaarijees in a battle near Nahrawan, in which, it is said, that 40 000 lives were lost.

In the early morning of the 24th of January 661 A.C., Abdul Rahman bin Muljim, a Khaariji fanatic lay in ambush in the Masjid of Kufah and stabbed Sayyiduna Ali (radi Allahu anhu) when he entered the masjid. He passed away from the wound. He was 63 years old.

Sayyiduna Ali (radi allahu anhu) lived a simple life. He refused any luxury food and wore simple clothes thinking of the poor. He should sleep on the ground and even sit on the floor. He repaired his own clothes and shoes and even did manual labour. He spent nights in Salaah and should fast for three days in a row. Honesty, piety, justice and love of truth were the main marks of his character.


These four Khulafaa (pl. for Caliph) are called the "Khulafaa-e-Rashidun" or the "Rightly Guided Caliphs." Together, these four Khulafaa ruled the Islamic State for about 29 years. They are called "Rightly Guided"because they ruled the people of that time exactly according to the Holy Quran and the commands of Sayyiduna Rasulullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam).

Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Umar (radi Allahu anhu) has said:
"Those who are desirous of following anyone, should follow the Sahaba who were the best of community, whose hearts were pure, whose wisdom was profound and who did not believe in the exhibition of outer life. They were a people whom Allah had selected His Nabi (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) and who extended His religion to the world. Therefore, try to imitate their ways and manners, for by Allah, they were rightly guided people."

A Hadith on the Status of the Four Khulafa
In the book, "Shawaa'idul-Haqq", Sayyiduna Shaikh Abu Abdullah (radi Allahu anhu) narrates the following incident.

Once I visited the Holy City of Makkah and met a man who claimed that he never felt thirsty. When I asked him the reason for this strange event, he replied, "There was a time when I did not have any respect for the Sahaba of Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). One night, I dreamt that it was the Day of Qiyamah and there were many people in various queues looking very thirsty and ragged. I decided to follow a queue. We arrived at the Fountain of Kauther and saw that it had four corners. At each corner were the four Caliphs, Sayyiduna Abu Bakr, Sayyiduna Umar, Sayyiduna Uthman and Sayyiduna Ali (radi Allahu anhum). I thought that there was no need for me to approach the first three Caliphs as I only believed in Sayyiduna Ali (radi Allahu anhu). Yet, when I approached him, he turned his head away in displeasure. Feeling extremely alarmed, I approached the other three Caliphs and they also behaved in the same manner. By now I was very despondent.
"I noticed that Nabi Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) was also approaching the Fountain. I ran towards him and explained to him the behaviour of the four Caliphs. He replied, 'Why should beloved Ali offer you a cool drink, when you bear hatred and scorn for the Sahaba?' When I heard this, I asked Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) whether I would be forgiven or not if I asked pardon for my incorrect beliefs. He replied that I would be forgiven. I then recited the Kalimah again and asked for forgiveness. I was then ordered to return to the Fountain of Kauther and drink from it. After this, I awoke from my sleep. From that night onwards, I have never felt thirsty. I then warned my family that I would only accept those as my true family if they accepted my true beliefs. Some of them did accept".
The presence of the four Caliphs at the four Pillars of Kauther is also substantiated by a Hadith. Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) said, "The Fountain of Kauther possesses four Pillars: one commanded by Abu Bakr, the second by Umar, the third by Uthman and the fourth by Ali (radi Allahu anhum)".
Again, explaining the lofty status of these four Caliphs, Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) said, "He who speaks good about Abu Bakr, his religion is well established; he who speaks good about Umar, his religious path has been well grounded' he who speaks good about Uthman is enlightened with the Noor of Almighty Allah' and he who speaks good about Ali holds on to a bond that never breaks. They who speak well of my Sahaba (Companions) are truly Mu'mins". (Shawaa'idul Haqq)


Vitues of 3rd Caliph Of Hazrat Usman Ghani radiahu
  Hazrat Usman radiahu was among the early converts of Islam.He and Hazrat Abu bakr radiahu were close friends  and it was Hazrat Abu Bakr radiahu who convinced him to embrace Islam when the latter was 34 years of age.
Hazrat Usman Ghani radiahu Earns The Title Dhun-Norayn (Owner of two Lights)  
    Hazrat Usman Ghani radiahu earned that Title because he enjoyed the high privilege of entering into matrimonial alliance with two daugthers of Prophet Muhammad saw.These two daughter were the lights which illuminated his house.First he married Hazrat Rukayyah radiahu following her getting divorced from Utbah bin Lahab. She died during the battle of badr. Hazrat Rukayyah radiahu was seriously ill before the battle of badr.The death of Hazrat Rukayyah radiahu left him deeply grieved so Prophet saw offered him the hand of his second daughter Umme Kulthoom.The latter lived with him until she died on on the ninth year of Hijrah.
      عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ ، أَنَّ النَّبِيَّ صَلَّى الله عَليْهِ وسَلَّمَ لَقِيَ عُثْمَانَ عِنْدَ بَابِ الْمَسْجِدِ ، فَقَالَ : يَا عُثْمَانُ ، هَذَا جِبْرِيلُ أَخْبَرَنِي أَنَّ اللَّهَ قَدْ زَوَّجَكَ أُمَّ كُلْثُومٍ بِمِثْلِ صَدَاقِ رُقَيَّةَ ، عَلَى مِثْلِ صُحْبَتِهَا ۔ ابن ماجه فَضْلُ عُثْمَانَ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُ  ـ      Hazrat Abu Huraira radiahu narrates that Prophet saw met Hazrat Usman Ghani radiahu at the door of Mosque and said to him Angel Gabriel has told me the Allah swt have you Umme kalthoom in your Nikah and and Mehr of her is that what was for Rukayyah. ( Ibne Majah - Chapter : Virtues of Companion of Prophet saw).
The Angels Feel Bashful In the Presence of Hazrat Usman radiahu
   Hazrat Usman radiahu was a very pious companion and aman of high character.He was the most Bashful of All the companions of Prophet saw.The Mother of Believers Hazrat Aysha radiahu narrates: Prophet saw was lying one day in my apartment with thighs or (shanks) exposed.Then Abu bakr radiahu came and sought permission to enter and the Prophet bade him come in ,in that very state of his.Abu Bakr radiahu came in and spoke to him and having his need fulfilled , went back.Then Hazrat Umar radiahu came and sought permission to enter and Prophet saw permitted him to enter while he was in that state.Umar radiahu entered and spoke to Prophet saw  and having his need fulfilled .went back.Then Hazrat Usman Ghani radiahu came sought permission to enter whereupon Prophet saw  sat up . straightened his clothing and then let him enter.Hazrat Usman radiahu came in and spoke to Prophet saw.After he had gone I spoke to Prophet saw :"Abu Bakr radiahu came in and you neither sat up nor show any anxiety (with regard to dressing) and Umar radiahu came in and you neither sat up nor show any anxiety.But When Hazrat Usman Ghani radiahu  came in you straightened your clothing? The Prophet saw Said " Should I not feel bashful of a man in whose presence even the angels feel Bashful? (Reported by Moslem).
Hadith on the Virtues of Hazrat Usman Ghani radiahu
      Hazrat Abu Hurayrah radiahu said : Usman radiahu purchased Paradise from Prophet saw two times.When he dug the well of Roomah and when he equipped the army of Al-Usrah.(Reported by Al-Hakim).
      Abu Hurayra radiahu also narrates that Prophet saw  said : " Usman is the most of my companions in resembling my character.(Reported by Ibn Assakir.)
    Asmah Ibn malik narrates : When The Prophet's saw daughter who was married to Usman radiahu died.The Prophet saw said : " Give your daughter in marriage to Usman .If I had a third daughter, I would give her in marriage to him and i never gave him my daughters except in compliance with a Divine Revelation." ( Reported by At-Tabarani).
    Zaid ibn Thabit radiahu reports that he heard Prophet saw saying :"Usman passed by my when an angel was sitting with me.The angel exclaimed, " A  martyr whose people will Kill! we feel bashful of him!."(Reported by Ibn Asaakir)
Hazrat Usman Ghani radiahu as a great Scholar

Hazrat Usman radiahu had a beautiful handwriting because of which Prophet saw  appointed him as one of the scribes of wahy (Revelation).His Style of writing was well recognized among the companions Prophet.Hazrat Usman Ghani radiahu was a great scholar of Quran and was a Hafiz.He was well versed in Asbaab-Nazool i.e the ocassions of revelations of various verses and the Surah of Holy Qur'an.
Hazrat Usman radiahu rewarded as Companion of Prophet saw in Paradise.
Among the virtues of Hazrat Usman Ghani radiahu the most bright and unique is "Companionship of his Prophet" saw.
 عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ ، أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللهِ صَلَّى الله عَليْهِ وسَلَّمَ قَالَ : لِكُلِّ نَبِيٍّ رَفِيقٌ فِي الْجَنَّةِ ، وَرَفِيقِي فِيهَا عُثْمَانُ بْنُ عَفَّانَ ۔ ابن ماجه ـ فَضْلُ عُثْمَانَ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُ
 Hazrat Abu Hurara radiahu narrated that Prophet saw said : "Every Prophet has a Rafeeq (companion) in Paradise and my Rafeeq in Paradise in Usman."(Ibne Majah - Ch:Virtues of Usman radiahu
May Allah give us the spirit and strength to Follow on the Life style of Hazrat Usman radiahu.
آمين يا رب العالمين

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